Entries tagged "Social Media"

Quickly Switching Views for Facebook Fan Pages

Well it turns out that my previous post titled "Facebook Fan Pages No Longer Require Switching Views to See Notifications" needed to sit in the incubator a little longer. But instead of taking the blame, let's just say that Facebook updated their features shortly after my post… [Continue reading]

Modify Automated Information When Sharing Links on Facebook

When sharing links to Facebook, did you know that you can modify the title and description chosen for the link? Facebook usually does a decent job pulling this information from the website, but what if it doesn't. Or maybe you want the description to focus on another aspect of the page. Well with a few easy steps, you can show Facebook who's boss…kind of. [Continue reading]

Facebook Fan Pages No Longer Require Switching Views to See Notifications

If you manage a Facebook "fan" page, you're probably aware that a feature was added earlier this year which notifies us when people comment on our page or post something to our wall. Before seeing these notifications though, we needed to click that "Use Facebook as Your Organization's Name" link. But Facebook recently changed the process…for the better. [Continue reading]

Getting Older Stats for Your Libsyn.com Hosted Podcast

Gathering first quarter statistics for our Libsyn.com hosted podcast was a little more complicated than expected. Everything I needed was available under the admin panel except the number of downloads per episode for January 2011. After trying quite a few things, it turns out the data is available; I just needed to work for it. [Continue reading]

Facebook Pages for Organizations Now Easier to Manage Due to Recent Update

In late 2010, I began maintaining Facebook pages for a couple organizations. Managing pages is relatively simple in the early stages, but I feared how difficult it would get as we posted more and when visitors comment more often. Unlike personal pages, Facebook didn't tell us when someone comments on our page…until now. [Continue reading]

Making it Easy for Visitors to Share Your Content with AddThis.com

With how common social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter are becoming, I wanted to make it easier for website visitors to share our (the organization I work for) content with their colleagues. Instead of developing my own solution, I decided to utilize AddThis.com, which provides a customizable widget that can be embedded within a website. According to their website, the widget currently allows visitors to share content with more than 300 services around the world. [Continue reading]

Adding an Audio Player to Your Libsyn.com Hosted Show Notes

At work I was asked to solve an issue with the website associated with our podcast. The problem was that the default player provided by our host (Libsyn.com) wasn't meeting our needs. On several occasions the player wouldn't play the most recent podcast episode. We also didn't like that if you were viewing the show notes for an older episode the player would still play the most recent episode, which confused our visitors. [Continue reading]

Sorting Skills in LinkedIn

As mentioned in my previous post (Diving into LinkedIn), we now have the ability to add new sections to our LinkedIn profiles. For a list of new sections, click the "Add Sections" link below the light blue box containing your profile picture, number of connections, public profile link, etc. [Continue reading]

Facebook’s New Spam Filter

If you have a Community or Official Facebook Page, you've probably seen a message that says "Check Your Spam Filter – Posts likely to be spam appear here. You can review, remove or approve these posts at any time. Learn more." [Continue reading]

Diving into LinkedIn

One of my goals for starting this blog is to find a replacement for my existing website (www.cyberscorpion.com) which has been collecting dust over the past few years. Before making the transition though, I needed to find an alternative for my online resume. Instead of creating another page from scratch, I thought it was time to dive into another popular social media tool—LinkedIn. [Continue reading]